Features page

hide block of infos
Hidden blocks

This feature is to hide the block that you do not need to display constantly on layout. It can be open by clicking for review.

highlight some blocks
Awesome row labels

You are able to highlight the most important parts of the layout with awesome row labels, so the info is easily noticeable.

included plugins
Trendy slider plugins

Dynamics has the most popular plugins to create modern sliders with various appear effects, sliding text, playing video, etc.

Unlimited possibilities

Ut id odio eu leo vestibulum rutrum ac in elit.

Unlimited possibilities
Unlimited possibilities
show your works
Portfolio masonry rows

Dynamic has great portfolio feature: portfolio masonry. You are able to create rows with most incredible works.

dynamic effects
Parallax background

You are able to insert images as background and use parallax effect to make them move very smooth.

show attractive info
Stylish sliders included

Customize your website with sliders to show the most important information for the users of your website.

insert videos
Full screen video

Company videos, promo or ads videos - are the best way to describe products, company new, events and facts.

light and stylish
Useful mega menu

Light Dynamic mega menu is great platform for you to create comfortable navigation throughout your website.

Navigate on one page
One page scroll option

You are able to use the one page scroll navigation, so you can smoothly scroll to any section of the page.

We make revolution

We make revolution

In the field of ideas not involving productive activities it is easier to distinguish the division between material and spiritual necessity. For a long time man has been trying to free himself from alienation through culture and art. While he dies every day during the eight or more hours that he sells his labour, he comes to life afterwards in his spiritual activities.  

Hi comrades!

Real revolutionaries adorn themselves

Display's revolution

100% Retina ready

We pay a great attention to such important things as making the websites look awesome on every screen size.

Language capabilities

100% Translation ready

Dynamic is translation ready with the included .mo and .po language files, WPML compatible and translated into two languages.

Mobile capabilities

100% Mobile ready

Dynamic is so responsive. The theme is touch-friendly to all smartphones and devices. The style is saved on different screens.

We make revolution

Donec et eros ut mauris

In the field of ideas not involving productive activities it is easier to distinguish the division between material and spiritual necessity. For a long time man has been trying to free himself from alienation through culture and art. While he dies every day during the eight or more hours that he sells his labour, he comes to life afterwards in his spiritual activities.  


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