Features second

It is the easiest import

Demo content included

You can import all the demo content with only one click! We have a huge number of posts, layouts, pages.

Style is saved everywhere

Absolutelly mobile friendly

Friday is so responsive, as adapt to every screen size. The theme is touch-friendly to all smartphones and devices.

Friday will paint your life

Unlimited colour options

Friday has a backend color picker in the theme options. You can change the color of elements and boxes.

Play with text on Friday

Extended titles typography

Titles typography for you to help you in building interesting websites, as it allow to use different types of text, sizes and fonts.

Who we are

Who we are

In the field of ideas not involving productive activities it is easier to distinguish the division between material and spiritual necessity. For a long time man has been trying to free himself from alienation through culture and art. While he dies every day during the eight or more hours that he sells his labour, he comes to life afterwards in his spiritual activities. But this remedy bears the germs of the same sickness; it is as a solitary individual that he seeks communion with his environment.
Posts, pages, layouts

You can import all the demo content with only one click and use the demo like the basis to create new layouts.

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Decorate with colors

Dynamic has a back-end color picker in theme options. All the colorful elements of the theme are changeable.

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Tablets & smartphones

This theme is responsive and adapt to every screen size. The theme has touch-friendly elements on every page.

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What we can

What we can

In the field of ideas not involving productive activities it is easier to distinguish the division between material and spiritual necessity. For a long time man has been trying to free himself from alienation through culture and art. While he dies every day during the eight or more hours that he sells his labour, he comes to life afterwards in his spiritual activities. But this remedy bears the germs of the same sickness; it is as a solitary individual that he seeks communion with his environment.
Some subtitle here
Maybe long title

Morbi ultrices tristique erat, sit amet dictum felis facilisis at. Mauris velit libero, vulputate vitae orci ut, elementum laoreet turpis.

Some subtitle here
Maybe long title

Morbi ultrices tristique erat, sit amet dictum felis facilisis at. Mauris velit libero, vulputate vitae orci ut, elementum laoreet turpis.

Some subtitle here
Maybe long title

Morbi ultrices tristique erat, sit amet dictum felis facilisis at. Mauris velit libero, vulputate vitae orci ut, elementum laoreet turpis.

exclusive features
brilliant content
We do not make sense out of the air. We create its own consciousness. Rely on us to do the magic.
trends in designing
unimprovable style
Our perfect design to inspire you. And you have inspired us. We love you.
deliberate strategy
considered structure
We give you our thoughts. Make your life right now! Use our help for this.
high code standards
clean code
We conjured the perfect code. Our theme will be a magic wand for your site.
show your works
Portfolio masonry rows

Dynamic has great portfolio feature: portfolio masonry. You are able to create rows with most incredible works.

dynamic effects
Parallax background

You are able to insert images as background and use parallax effect to make them move very smooth.

show attractive info
Stylish sliders included

Customize your website with sliders to show the most important information for the users of your website.

insert videos
Full screen video

Company videos, promo or ads videos - are the best way to describe products, company new, events and facts.

light and stylish
Useful mega menu

Light Dynamic mega menu is great platform for you to create comfortable navigation throughout your website.

Navigate on one page
One page scroll option

You are able to use the one page scroll navigation, so you can smoothly scroll to any section of the page.